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10 Common Webinar Mistakes to Avoid in 2020

Webinars have become an effective tool to showcase your product to an audience while also keeping them informed on a topic they’ve always wanted to learn more about. Especially now in 2020 when working from home is the new norm, webinars have become an increasingly...

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UPRAISE Leads the Pack on PR According to Clutch

Our team here at UPRAISE has some incredibly exciting news to share with all of you! Clutch just issued a press release where they listed us as one of California’s top PR firms! All aspects of PR are essential to a growing business, and it makes sense to utilize one...

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What a Great Time to be a Fintech Startup!

Fintech is one of a few market sectors where growth during the pandemic has accelerated. In fact, the fintech sector is predicted to reach $305 billion in sales by 2025, a 22% CAGR. We’re excited to work with one fintech leader, Redrock Biometrics, which develops...

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How COVID-19 Affects Real World Behaviors

It’s safe to say, 2020 is unlike any year in history. As the pandemic is still ongoing and it’s long-lasting impact is still unknown, the people at Foursquare took the step (no pun intended) to track foot traffic data in a variety of places to see how the virus is...

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Brand Marketing Through the Coronavirus Crisis

At the beginning of the pandemic, we discussed the different ways in which top brands were responding to the initial effects of COVID-19. Now, nearly four months since the onset, brands are still struggling to find a balance between letting consumers adjust to the new...

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UPRAISE Adds 3 New Clients, Grows Its Team

While we are working with many clients to strategize and execute their efforts to communicate during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have also recently added new clients and augmented our team. Since March, the following companies have joined our ranks as clients: Ainstein...

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Moving Your Career Along in a Static Economy

Millions of marketing people have 1-5 years’ experience and are thinking about how to accelerate their career growth in terms of experiences, income and education. Despite Coronavirus, you don’t need to slow down your growth, although your growth may come in different...

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