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Simplifying the Most Dreaded Chore

Quick, a show of hands! Who likes doing laundry? Didn’t think so. FoldiMate created an automatic laundry machine to rescue us from this hated chore.

However, the machine wasn’t going to be available until the following year and management needed to demonstrate to investors and technology partners there was a market for their $750 solution. Their charge to us: “Use public relations and marketing to make us go viral and get us 100,000 preregistrations in two months!”

  • YouTube views


  • 70 articles

  • Facebook Page Likes
We delivered. We pushed on media to earn cool stories that could spark huge interest. We edited, posted and linked to a video that told the story quickly.

Coverage in TheNextWeb started the viral ball rolling. Less than 24 hours after they posted their story on Facebook, it had 1.6 million views, 3,800 comments, and more than 30,000 shares. That was just the start!

Within a month, we earned FoldiMate more than 70 articles, 20,000 Facebook page likes, 4.3 million YouTube views and nearly 12,000 Twitter visits.

Best of all, FoldiMate received more than 125,000 preregistrations, which on average cost $80 each, yielding the company close to $10 million. Not a bad month’s work!